Blogger Recognition Award



Sending a huge Shout Out to : https: //  for Nominating me for the “Blogger Recognition Award”. I am really humbled and honored as I write this Rakkelle !! You made my day so much brighter with this !! Thank you Rakkelle !!

So Here Are The Rules:


  1. Thank the Blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog( see link (see link above)
  2. Write a post to show your Award.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to New Bloggers
  5. Select 15 or more bloggers for this award.
  6. Let each Nominee know you’ve Nominated them and leave a link to your post

How I Started Blogging:

This is from my “About Page”.

” My decision to create a blog took a long time to grasp what it all entailed. I knew this had to be different from what my books delivered. Making short stories to fit into a blog experience takes creative time and effort. That is why I keep letting my imagination run every time I sit here. Doing what it takes to pull you into each and every blog is something I take seriously and respect your time to read what I write.”

I usually have music playing to open up my thoughts. I am a true believer if we let our inner being run loose we will create wonders beyond reality. My dream is to being a best selling author. I have to admit writing my blog posts or working on my books I feel relaxed and contented. Bottom line is I love creating stories that readers will enjoy and recall for life.

Two Pieces of Advice For New Bloggers :

1. I would say that finding a story line that you feel comfortable with. Maybe one you know that grabs your attention and holds it. then write what comes out of you.

2. Having fun writing will help you as well. I think that readers can feel your emotions when we express this through the words we use. simple ideas create the fun we need each time for our blog posts.

My Nominees Are :


I Nominate the following 15 Bloggers to participate in this prestigious Blogger Recognition Award, there’s nothing like being acknowledged and recognized bu our peers.

Mom With Life Chiari

I refuse to give up





Her Odyssey

English on your mind

The Stories in Between

Lucid Lavanya


Save me, Im a nurse

I am really forward to reading all your posts on this.

Thank you once again to Rakkelle for the nomination. I am still smiling from your recognition


47 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award

    1. Thank you for the wonderful warm kind words. Your blog is really well written because you suffer from this terrible disease called “chiari”. Keep being posiitve and keep us informed my good friend Ana !!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Congrats and thank you for including me. That was very kind of you. I must have missed this post the first time around.

    Liked by 1 person

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