Friday Spring Quotes

Good morning everyone! Here is a Spring Friday that feels like it should belong. This is why I hope these quotes will brighten your spring Friday. The temperatures are showing their support for a Friday in spring. Let’s enjoy today and walk around and see how spring is coming to your neighbourhood. Creating good thoughts of dreams with beautiful, stunning coloured flowers coming forward.

Here are my Spring Quotes for Friday:

1. The world’s favorite season is spring. All things seem possiblein May. Edwin Way Teale

2. A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love. Max Muller

3. Spring is the time of plans and projects. Leo Tolstoy

4. Happiness? The colour of it must be spring green. FRANCES MAYES

5. The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Coco Chanel

6. Before you can think out of the box, you have to start with a box. Twyla Thorp

7. When I LET GO of what I am. I become what I might be. Lao Tzu

8. Be sure you put your feet in the right place then stand firm. Abraham Lincoln.

9. Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your soul. Luther Burbank

10. The deep roots never doubt spring will come. Marty Rubin

One more to wrap our love around spring:

11. We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough. Helen Keller

Now it is time for us to say have a stupendous Spring Friday, everyone. Please enjoy the moments that arrive in time and on time today. My Friday is made up of all of you having fun with family, friends and neighbours.


Friday Quotes

Hello to you all tuning into my blog this Friday. I have found some quotes that may sound different from what I usually post. I still feel that they will make you stop and think.

Here they are :

1. I’m warning you with peace and love. I have too much to do, no more fan mail. Ringo Starr

2. I don’t feel old and I don’t think I look my age. It doesn’t worry me. Ringo Starr

3. One problem with people who have no vices is that they’re pretty sure to have some annoying virtues. Elizabeth Taylor

4. [ on John Wayne] His image had as much impact in the world as many of our presidents have had, but Duke was a great actor, a great humanitarian, but always himself. To be a friend was a lifetime thing. Elizabeth Taylor

5. Change is an opportunity for everyone to think. Mickey Rooney

6. I’m the only man in the world with a marriage licence made out to whom it may concern. Mickey Rooney

7. Sometimes, you have to get to know someone really well to realize you’re strangers. Mary Tyler Moore

8. I’m not an actress who can play a character. I play myself. Mary Tyler Moore

9. Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing. Albert Schweitzer

10. The true worth of a man is not to be found in man himself, but in the colours that come alive in others. Albert Schweitzer

One extra quote: This should be required reading in our time.

11. I start where the last man left off. Thomas Edison

This is the end of my blog for this weeks Friday. I hope you all enjoy the warm weather coming our ways. I know I am looking forward to going for nice long walk in the sunshine tomorrow. Maybe everyday after that.


Funny Friday Quotes

Hello one and all. Welcome to my new type of quotes; the funny ones. Just to be different I am trying to be a comedian using other peoples material. You will see when you read them all below:

1. If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito. Reba McEntire

2. Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you a member of Congress; but I repeat myself. Mark Twain

3. get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. Mark Twain

4. People often say motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing–that’s why we recommend it daily. Zig Ziglar

5. Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. ELBERT HUBBARD

6. To succeed in life , you need three things; a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone. A.A. Milne

7. All men make mistakes, but married men find out about them sooner. Red Skelton

8. A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks. Benjamin Franklin

9. Life is not a fairy tale. If you lose a shoe at midnight, you’re drunk. Darynda Jones

10. The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. Albert Einstein

One extra for more fun:

11. People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day. Charles Gordy

As you could see, I did try to be a comedian using other peoples material. I love fun quotes because they make me smile. In return they should make you all smile. If not, please let me know. Maybe someone has a smile they are not using. LOL

I wish everyone a fun and happy Friday. Please enjoy with friends and family.

Copyright @myplace3187

Massacre of Biscuits

Totally out of the heat then things changed. Things turned three hundred and ninety degrees just way of the degenerate dictator. A person from an alien fathom joining who’s creators hate their by product. What had they done? Why they never took any precautions? Not much knowledge about results, just a burning desire to procreate. This colossal accidental happening is about to thrust himself fully into wanting to be in total control. He will be the first and last dictator of the alien world Dophone 7PB8. Now everyone should understand how rushing into the unknown can and will end in emasculating horror. Especially, out in alien worlds where residents would rather get rid of such scary figures. One can not disagree really. Come back next year when the results should be shown on all huge screens along the sky ways trails. These wide open by ways do not welcome in person any dictators of any stripes. But, there is a driveway of the lost and forgotten where they all should have to cruise through. Guaranteed to cause death as dictators get dropped kicked through the goal posts of hell. That is a place where no true alien would ever want to end up. But, some times it feels so good doesn’t it? Yes, it does was the answer from the masses of aliens along that route. Loud mouthed dizzy headed aliens where not ordered by any beings on this planet, Dophone 7PB8. Any wild eyed screaming bizarre limited edition with the same results could end up in a solid barred windows type of building. That degenerate dictator crushed the biscuits under his large wheeled mobile personal control vehicle. He thought since he was in total control he might as well do what he wanted when he desired to. It was not his fault people made it possible for him to end up in that chair. This time around things were going to be changed and not in a good way. The alien beings who lived here knew who was going to pay for this disdained weird dictator. Those poor biscuits sat huddled together praying that they would be left alone once and forever. Things weighed heavily on their minds. How could one of them turn so rotten and survive? There had to be a first time right! Yet, they feared this devil looking dictator. He gave off such rotten vibes that no one liked his company. Not only that but his odour reeked for half a galaxy before he caught up to where anyone lived. Everyone had learned not to open their doors to such a rotten foul smelling alien being. The degenerate dictator did not like those biscuits who dived out of range on him. These were games which had been created to interfere with his duties each star month. Natural beauty showed itself to anyone who wanted to look up and enjoy the galactic phenomena. No costs associated with looking up into the stunning sky at any time. Why would any one want to leave such incredible naturally produced colours? To be honest every milieu someone retired. It was just a natural order of things. Except this degenerate dictator would never retire as he made himself dictator for life. He will never lose an election as President of Dophone 7PB8. He did away with anyone who decided to try and unseat him as President. He had just did it once again. Killing off the opposition person while he was in jail. Those times were scary enough out in the outer reaches of outer space. We knew our lives meant more to us than that degenerate dictator who thought he could do what he wanted when he so desired to. Running each day and hiding at night was beginning to wear thin on all of us. Time to grab some land and put down our roots. One does grow sick of being chased for no real reason by one degenerate dictator who had nothing else to do. WE are settling down and he can either settle down and leave us alone. Or go find other people to bother with. Also we told him those people are ones we going to keep in touch with. Two teams are tough to push back against. Please understand this epistle and adhere to it right away. This is what is demanded so comply with these terms and live or spend your lives in a out of town prison. That is where you go no more games. Say good bye while you can. In two days both of you are being transported up to that solid state of the art Penitentiary. Your home for the next seventy-five years.

The story comes to the end now.

Copyright @myplace3187

Any unused and/ or duplication of this Fictional Blog without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or is strictly prohibited . Excerpts, Links and Reblogs may be used , provided that full and clear credit is given to the @myplace3187 with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

A Mix of Friday Quotes

I am happy to say this blog was hard work. The first five took a long time and then the rest went fast. I think the chocolate filled cookies probably assisted my writing.

I hope you all are ready for a number of different Friday Quotes. Maybe, this is why my brain stumbled along the path I took to find these quotes. Here they are:

1. Friday is the canvas for our positive thoughts and aspirations.

Happy Friday – Shayari Maza

2. I believe it is a Mandatory of the Universe that on Fridays, you have to do something a little fun. HANNA RHOADES

3. Cozy + smell of pancakes- alarm clock= weekend. AMY KROUSE ROSENTHAL

4. By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be boss and work twelve hours a day. Robert Frost

5. It’s Kind of fun to do the impossible. Walt Disney

6. It’s 4:58 on Friday afternoon. Do you know where your margarita is? AMY NEFTZGER

7. When you are curious, you find lot’s of interesting things to do. Walt Disney

8. I’m not what you might call sexy, but I’m romantic. Let’s put it that way. Betty White

9. I was an only child and I had a mother and father who were just-there wasn’t a straight man in the house, and I mean that in a very nice way. They were fun and we would laugh a lot. Betty White

10. I look forward to Fridays because I know I have spent the week offering encouragement, solace, assistance, and good- will to everyone I have met through my journey. Bryon Pulsifer

Here is my one extra quote:

11. Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. Middle age is like a long weekend on Monday afternoon. Richard Nelson Bolles

I hope these Friday mix of quotes will bring a happy smile for you all. That is my mission to bring smiles and happiness to everyone who drops in to read my Friday Quotes. I do pray I have reached this point today and every Friday.

Happy Friday!!


Any unauthorized use and / or duplication of this Friday Quotes Blog without express and written permission from this site’s author and/ or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts, links and reblogs may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to @myplace3187 with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Spring Has Not Sprung Properly

It is hard to know when spring will actually be here since it comes and goes. Winter is what we need right now. A huge dump of the white stuff that will help put out forest fires that are still burning from last year and the new fires from this year already. Or should spring suddenly show up with pouring rains then we will take it. A week or two of steady rains would be very welcome right now. The farmers require lots of rain for their crops as they can not afford two years of no crops. Even the small gardens that homeowners grow need rain to have their seeds sprout to create food for their families. That would be cheaper than buying vegetables in grocery stores.

Life has been hard enough these last two years or more. Just listen to the newscasts and one finds out exactly how easy we have it compared to other places. There are no wars taking place in the western part of the world. Yet. We have no floods or hurricanes or tornado’s or any real devastating storms wrecking havoc upon all we have.

The weather is warm for a week to ten days teasing us with a small sample of spring type existence. Then it cools off below zero Celsius for about a week or ten days approximately. This pattern keeps rolling around since it seems that is all there is for us this year. Or the ending part of last year.

You guessed right the weather is cooling off once more. Just a little bit of snow for us and lots more for the southern areas. Yes, one used to be able to know winter came at one point after the season of fall. Then for six months it is cold and miserable teaching us to appreciate spring, summer and fall even with smiles and laughter, etc.

I remember back when I was young the people in charge of weather could sprinkle the clouds with chemicals and create rain falls. In hot weather this was welcomed with such fervour and love of the wet rain drops coming down soaking us as we played out in the rain. Alas, they must have lost the recipe for making rain fall when we truly needed it. Or they did not pay the bill owed to Mother Nature. She can be a tough lady to deal with as everyone said so. I think, personally, it is time to turn Mother Nature on again with lots of loving care and huge hugs. This is one way to her heart, perhaps I am right. Whispering sweet nothings in her ears will cause her to smile and turn red in the face. Mother Nature’s eyes will sparkle and shine and smile as she feels welcome once again among us people. Mother Nature must be hoping that man kind will not lose or misplace that recipe to get her excited enough to cause rain to fall again and again and again even more so.

I think seriously that Old Man Winter should be the one to do the deeds in the paragraph above. He is the one who must be fully responsible for the sour mood of Mother Nature the last few years. Could it be that he had one to many cold ones and upset Mother Nature? Anyway, what ever the cause of her mood swings that grumpy old man has to put her back into her good moods once and for all. Or mankind will dry up and suffer a slow death of dehydration. Something tells me going out that way is no fun at all.

Maybe, Mother Nature is upset due to never having any children after all these years with Old Man Winter. She is getting worried because the seasons are out of sync with the past. Blaming Old man Winter is an easy out for her. Mother Nature also had a number of cold ones when ever it was party time. The problem is she should be doing what she is responsible for as well. Yet, something held her back these last few years. Her alarm clock has failed to ring properly at the correct times. This is Old Man Winters fault for not looking after her to carry out her duties. Yes, Mother Nature required assistance to reset her natural calendar. What was actually needed is one real cold and snowy winter to get her back into sync with the natural rhythms of her systems. And this was Old Man Winters field of expertise. He must stop using the cold ones as an excuse for failing in his winter duties.

There is a lot of time to start being himself once again. All people loved spring skiing. Going down the mountain sides at high speeds with huge smiles on their faces. This was indeed the missing ingredient in winter the last few seasons. There will be no more home made snow now that his mind is made up. Tonight and for the next few days he will let it snow heavily. Old Man Winter used to enjoy getting cars and trucks stuck in piles of snow. Being himself would be fun watching everyone looking out their windows and seeing the huge piles of snow all over. This morning it was great to see people having to clear their driveways and sidewalks. Even out in the country snow was burying all things in four feet of snow or more up on the mountains. Waking up late made Old Man Winter feel incredibly young at heart. His other hope was for Mother Nature to be happy and returning to herself. He cared deeply for his life long mate. They had lots of fun making life full of fun and games for the residents of the world. This brought them real close to each other. Spending time inside their splendid cabin caused old time habits to return. They would be wearing smiles on their faces again. Especially Mother Nature. If you get my drift? That Old Man Winter could be quite cheeky. Anyone who knew him would agree.

Time was on their side as people seemed very content with the return to normal activities. A few weeks of spring snow storms will be a welcome answer from their prayers. Everyone can keep looking out their windows as the white flakes piled up more and more.

Now, it is Mother Nature and Old Man Winters time to cuddle in front of their huge fireplace. Those fires brought smiles and extra warmth drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows. Indeed, love had came back to a couple who knew each other for a few hundred centuries perhaps.

Copyright @myplace3187

All rights reserved.

Putin’s War on Ukraine

I am going to agree that the west must provide Ukraine with more heavy weapons, anti-aircraft drones, drones to bomb Russian ground forces and more mobile equipment i.e. Tanks etc and NATO must also provide ground troops to keep Russian forces from taking over the entire country. If not, then Russia will crush Ukraine into submission. Then, Putin will go for getting all the countries that existed before the wall fell (?). I will say I might not have all the countries correct but I am working with my own mind. Plus, The world is sick of wars by despots trying to look powerful to other sickly despot communist countries like China, North Korea and others, etc.

I am going to ask everyone who lives on this planet Earth to pray to God or Allah or their higher power to stop this inhumane treatment of Ukraine by Putin and his Allies. Today or tonight please let us pray in harmony at 10:00 PM your Local Time. Prayers can provide more power for God & Allah & other Higher powers when we all pray at once to stop the genocide in Ukraine. This war must be stopped and prayer power will work to aid in this mission.

Putin has a habit of killing off those who oppose his rule and does put some in prisons before elections are held. They also die from poisons behind those cold iron and cement walls. Anyone who openly oppose Putin in public disappear. We must thank all those reporters hiding in other countries sending news items to the west. I believe they have lost some of their fellow news reporters due to Russia enforcing death sentences.

This is my short and straight to the point Blog on Putin’s War on Ukraine. Let’s all pray with a broken and contrite hearts to aid Ukraine.

A Tall Tale Owned& Operated

This story is from the annuals of the History of the planet Gorth ET5. The Planet Gorth ET5 is one of the oldest and most historical places in all of the ancient stardom. Known as the peacekeepers of all the galaxies in The Natarajon Cluster System.

They managed the peace in all the galaxies with bases spread strait across the stardom. Residents of the planets looked forward to the arrival of the Gorth ET5 Squadrons of various Battle-cruisers, Battleships, large cargo cruisers, Chanilla Battle Cruisers, Super Powered Imperial Space Cruisers carrying major missile systems and the rest of various sizes of armed space ships as guidance protectors. Thousands and thousands and tens of thousands of such armed space craft could be clearly seen through out the reaches of the ancient stardom. No, there was no war on this occasion or most others occasions. People on the far reaches of any known galaxy felt safe and secure with such protection freely on display.

Moving out to new planets in search of new work opportunities was so exhilarating. And very rewarding. Why not do something different and love your life. And your abilities after all you earned them.

Would it not be easier to up-date all armed bases into a huge world wide conglomerate of just safety protections. One huge conglomerate of safety protectionists. No more in fighting over who owns and operates each safety protection area. Gentlemen and women; everyone is required to protect this stunning, incredibly beautiful planet. Together we have complete control over each slice from south to the north end. All of each slice of the planets we go through.

This is “A Tall Tale Owned & Operated”. How far into the future do you think before such systems must be ready and in user ready operating systems.

This is the star date according to my grandparents “Book of Time Dates advancements for man kind”. To protect against all foreign enemies flying out there with desires to take us into their control systems.

I do believe world wide everyone wants & desires to belong to a great protection system. Completely different than anything we have constructed before in our history. Say we stretch out across each and every star system with an agreement to stay together in ” A Tall Tale Owned & Operated By All Signatures.” And one cold glass to toast the agreement we all made. From now on each signature will added to this ” A Tall Tale Owned & Operated by All Signatures.”

And so it was that every new star system that signed onto our ” A Tall Tale Owned & Operated By All Signatures”. We all envisioned the list to grow and keep growing as we explored the glorious expanse of deep outer space. Just imagine the magnitude of different societies that must exist out here. Each day as the sun slowly rises across the windshield of our incredible soaring battleships. Will mark another reason to smile and to share that smile with every new planet that is inhabited. Yes, smiles are the key to happiness when one is so far our in outer space. Every interaction with another being aboard our ships provides us a reason to smile and share our cheerfulness. The silence of space and the grandeur of it all has a tremendous impact on each one of us. It is no wonder that being full of smiles has to be the way of life inside our space crafts. One can grow in so many ways in life especially being onboard any space craft soaring through space. There are so many integral parts to succeed just smile and spread them further and further we go into outer space. Smiles will open more door ways to each star system as we reach out to them in friendship. And will provide them with many great happy moments long after we are gone. This way they will never forget our visit and the time we spent together as an indelible stamp.

Copyright @myplace3187

Spring Quotes

Welcome to my Spring Quotes Friday. I find I love spring so very much. When we were young at as a teenager, wew ould build rafts and push then around with long steering sticks. It was fun and getting wet and cool was all the rage. Our parents may have disagreed. To us it was a spring ritual. Sort of. I just hope spring will make your insides appreciate these tid bits of spring.

1. Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life will get warmer. Anita Krizzan

2. In the spring I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours. Mark Twain3.

3. Spring is nature’s way of saying ” Let’s party!”. Robin Williams

4. Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoefull of slush. Doug Larson

5. Despite the forecast, live like it’s spring. Lilly Pulitzer

6. In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. Margaret Atwood

7. The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created spring. Bernard Williams

8. Science has never drummed up quite as e3ffective tranquilizing agent as a sunny spring day. Wilton E. Hall

9. Spring is when life’s alive in everything. Christina Rossetti

10. If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant. Anne Bradstreet

One more for the love of spring;

11. Spring has returned. The earth is like a child that knows poems. Rainer Maria Rilke

Now all we need to do is follow some of these quotes and enjoy each spring day. I know I will. That is my plan.

Copyright @myplace3187