
This is my About Page for you readers who entered into my written world to find a place to escape to each day. My decision to create a blog took a long time to grasp what it all entailed. I knew this had to be different from what my books deliver. Making short stories fit into a blog experience takes creative time and effort. That is why I keep letting my imagination run every time I sit here. Doing what it takes to pull you into each and every blog is something I take serious and respect your time to read what I write. Most of the time I admit to knowing what story I want to put forward for your eyes to swallow up whole. Those experiences were the most fulfilling for me. Each word just tumbled out of my mind and soul. It was weird in a way like I had actually went through my fictional blog.

I also like to write about music. I love music going back to the late 1950’s right up today’s music. I used to listen to old albums on 78’s my parents had. This is where I found my way around music and the lyrics inside each song. Songs tell stories about various subjects mostly about love and heartbreak. When the music is written just so the writer and singer have a hit on their hands !! I found a new music app called Spotify. I really am happy with the choices for music on this one. Why you ask ? You can find pretty well any song from any era in their archives. they also create daily mixes based on the songs you listen to. An incredible app no one should be with out trust me.

I do also write about my books being an author I should expose my blog readers to what else I have available. I would do myself a disservice other wise. I still love picking up a real book turning the cover and each page under my fingers. I love the smell of books nothing except great cooking can match. Getting lost inside a good story for hours and hours is special. Which is why I created and wrote and published two books so far. My first book is called ” A Walk in Time” and my second book is called ” The Haunting of Marcasite”. My books are available on line and most book store catalogues have them listed. The next book is under construction still. I also have other book ideas ready and willing to become published.

I am going to come back to create new stuff here for everyone.

I am back to update certain thing’s in regard to my Blog ; James A. Best-Author Myplace3187. WordPress.com . The last few years had made me proud of deciding to go into blogging. In 2018 I received 12 Blogging Nominations which really surprised me. I knew I was fairly good writer and my fellow bloggers and followers have shown they enjoy my short stories. In 2019 I received another 12 Blogging Nominations. I was again surprised by how well my short stories were still holding their attention and how.much they appreciated my stories still. So far in 2020 I have received 17 Blogging Nominations. I have also received a number of Tags to do. These allow the readers to learn more about us by the questions we get asked in the Tag’s. I also hope you all are thinking of buying my books or maybe the e-book editions for your readers. Enjoy the fall and I pray life will allow us to be free from Covid-19 in the near future.

Love and support from me to you and all the blog & book readers and all those who enjoy my friends activities as well. If, not. I will be still be here creating more new blogs for everyone to grab and appreciate. Getting lost in time when we read is some times what occurs once we tread through the written words. Yes. thank you all for the likes and the follows they mean the world to me. I will not forget the kindness being shown each day as my blogs come out to play with your eyes and minds. Hope you are having an incredible trip through fall this year as we concentrate on the glorious things God has made for us.